Saturday, December 27, 2014

A New Year, A New You

Summer bodies are made in the winter! 
Consider this a poke!
I want YOU to join me in FIXing on Jan 5. Let's start our new year off together on the healthy path. I'll help you achieve & maintain as you roll into spring / summer vacation fun! Are you ready? Let's make 2015 the best year ever!

Indulgence is over for me. Back on track today.
Who would like to join my January 1st fitness & nutrition challenge group? Fitness for tight schedules and easy meal planning.

Let's get started now, so when spring/summer gets here, you are not rushing to lose the weight, and doing some crazy crash diets.  Let's make this a lifestyle!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

My story...

Today I want to give gratitude to not only my team mates on Team Vertical and Team Aspire but to the opportunity and blessing that is Team Beachbody. (I wanted to post it here before I jumped my comfort zone and posted on my page!)
Some of you know my story, some don’t, and I have been challenged by my coach to share my story and how Beachbody has changed my life. 
I spent the majority of my life either being overweight, or just feeling overweight.  I spent the majority of my time while active duty, overweight…except for the deployment where the only thing to do was workout and work.   
A co-worker with the company I am currently with joined Team Beachbody, and I noticed she lost A LOT of weight, and I was dying to know what she did.  She first introduced me to Team Beachbody, and Tony Horton’s 10-minute trainer program, back in 2012.  I lost about 10-15 pounds, which really made me want to do more. (I was not drinking Shakeology at this time).  I was really unsure of Shakeology, to be honest, I was drinking something else from GNC. 
After I moved to Alabama, a complete stranger noticed me and offered me an opportunity as a Team Beachbody coach. Ok, in all honesty, she wasn’t a “complete” stranger, she was an Ammo sister, so we were technically family.    I knew the programs worked and I loved them!  And what is even better, is I had been considering it for a while, but the individual that introduced me to Beachbody had seemed to drop off the face of the earth…no longer on FB, didn’t respond to my email messages – through yahoo or the Beachbody program, and I know she had moved to Germany.  So when this Ammo Sister contacted me, I was unsure what to do.  But she walked me through everything! 
SHAKEOLOGY! Nope, not just a shake, nope not just a protein powder. It a nutrient dense shake with all that stuff we normally add to a one packet. Maca powder, chia seeds, fruits & veggies, flax, pro and pre name a few!!! Its a no brainer to do one shake instead of all the stuff to make it ONE shake. This is my morning snack and dessert savor.
So the benefits I have with Shakeology:  I have asthma – and starting a workout routine, and getting all my daily nutrients with Shakeology, I no longer have to take my inhaler daily!  I have energy, and I no longer need to get an afternoon caffeine pick-me-up. 
The programs I’ve done so far include 10 minute trainer, Hip Hop Abs, Focus T25, and PiYo.   There was also a Shakeology workout video that I also love.  My hubs says I have workout ADD, since I haven't actually completed a program from start to finish, except for PiYo.  Which reminds me, I need a new program! 
I know I am still in the middle of my story…no where close to the end.  I might not be the weight I want to be, or the size I want, but I am stronger, healthier, and happier!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Oh my...totally feeling the love today.  Thank you everyone for taking the time out of your busy day to think of me...if only for a quick moment.  It truly does mean a lot, and I appreciate each one of you.  

I know sometimes we can get wrapped up in our own lives and the impersonal side of Facebook, and it is important to remember that a kind word, or even just "Happy birthday" can go a long way.  Please don't get absorbed into thinking that the one comment won't matter....I was absolutely surprised by the number of well wishes (some even done through private message).  I hope I have responded to everyone.  If I didn't, I did not mean to over look you.  

For my birthday, the family decided to put as many candles on one cupcake...can you say mini-bonfire on my kitchen table? 

But I know they love me...even if they did add 6 more candles than necessary.  And I did blow them all out one time...which I thank my workout with Beachbody - helping me to decrease my asthma, and increase my indurance.  

I have had a wonderful day, and I wish everyone a terrific rest of the week. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October Challenge Packs

Wow!  It is October!!  Can you believe it?  So what makes October special?  My birthday, of course!!!  Well, that's just one of the reasons. 

As I said in an earlier post, Beachbody has released P90, a new program from Tony Horton, that is for ALL fitness levels.  Another great part of this program, is that for the first 50,000 programs sold, Beachboy will donate $5 to the Wounded Warrior program on behalf of Tony Horton.  This program will sell fast, so let me know if you want to be a part of this. 

Another challenge pack for October, is the Ultimate Reset.  It is a 21-day program, to help "reset" your body.  It will help detox your system, and get you ready for a very healthy life style.    Be sure to get your kit now in time to Reset with Co-Creator of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, Darin Olien on October 29th.

Let's FALL INTO FITNESS, instead of falling into unhealthy habits. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

P90 and Wounded Warrior

I am always falling more in love with this company! So if you don't follow Tony Horton, you may not know that his father recently passed away unexpectedly. In going through his belongings, they found that he had been receiving Wounded Warrior recognition from his time in the military but nobody in his family knew that he was receiving it.
With the launch of the newest program, P90, as an honor to the man that gave us Tony Horton, Beachbody is donating $5 from every P90 unit sold through the end of October to the Wounded Warrior foundation in honor of Tony Horton Sr.
Tears filled everyone's eyes including Tony Horton ' s as our CEO announced this today..
I love our country and our vets.
I love this company.
And I love me some Mr. Horton.
Thankful to be a part of a company that does so much to give back. Our keynote speaker said today, "everything you need to know about life can be summed up in one breath. You take it all in. You give it all back."
(Ps P90 is available Monday and can only be purchased through a coach. Message me if you want more info)

Looking for people...

I'm not sure who is around right now but I have a question for you: I am looking for about 5 ish people who are 100% beginners at fitness and health, and want to work together. Like haven't worked out in at least a year, most workout programs are more discouraging than anything because you can barely get through day 1, seriously just starting. Do I have anyone like that here!?! Can you comment so we can connect 

Monday, September 15, 2014

DON'T get on the bandwagon with me ...

DON'T get on the bandwagon with me ...
You are probably already feeling...
- great about your health
- confident in your own skin...
- ready for the upcoming holiday season.
That is awesome. This message is NOT for YOU then

If, however, you are looking for:
** a free online support system
** a nutrition plan that is helping my clients FINALLY get a grip
** a fitness program that is PERFECT for EVERYONE AND has people demonstrating all levels ... beginner, intermediate, advanced
** includes portion control container system
** includes a month (30 meals) of Shakeology
** private accountability with me as your Official 21 Day Fix Coach
** AND.... it. is. ON. SALE!!
Message me with WHY now is YOUR TIME. I'm keeping this team small for high accountability purposes.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Accountability Partner?

Do you already have a Beachbody program, like Insanity, T25, P90X, Les Mills Pump, Hip Hop Abs but don't have a coach, or accountability partner? I would love to help you!  I have realized in the last couple of months, that my desire is to help people.  I'm not concerned about the program you have, I just want to help.  Many times, people purchase a program (whether through Beachbody, or Wal-mart, or where ever) and are very excited to get started and half way through the program, they get off track.  They let life get in the way.  I used to be one of the ones that would start and stop programs, and NEVER see results, but I found a great accountability partner/coach.  Actually, it is an entire group of people.  :-) 

What is keeping you from reaching your goals?  Are you one of those that has started/stopped many different programs?  My hubs and I call it workout A.D.D. And boy did I have that!  I still do, to a point, but I honestly think it is because I want to try all the programs! 

"Believe in yourself so strongly, that the world can't help but believe in you too."  You are awesome, and strong, and you can do this!  We can do this together. 

I would love to chat with you all individually about what we can do to help you through your plateau, or even to get you started. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2014 - where did Summer go?

Wow, we have started September already!  Where did the summer go?  Between working, Beachbody, the kids, the family, vacations, it all just ran together!  Did anyone else have a fast summer?  I'm looking at all the 1st day of school pictures, and wow, kids are getting bigger/older/prettier/handsome and here I am feeling OLD!!!  My kids sure are no help, but that's a completely different blog post.

So, September is here, as well as a new Beachbody special.  Well, it isn't new, new, since it is the 21-day fix program (in English, and Spanish).  This program has been on sale before, and it is on sale again.  If you kissed it last time, now is your chance to order it.  And, be apart of my 21-day challenge group!

What do you get in this challenge group? Well, for starters, ME!  I will mentor you, harass you, keep you accountable for either 1, 2 or all 3 rounds of the program.  There will also be guidance on meal planning, portions, and healthy eating, wish equals a total life style change! You will also get a workout plan, for only 30-mins a day/6-days a week.  Finally, one extra meal a day in a nutrient dense shake (not a protein shake!). If you are looking to jump on board with my and my challengers, comment below with WHY you want to make these changes.  If you aren't comfortable with publicly saying your why, just message me.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

More decisions? To get what you want...

In order to get something you want very much, you may have to let go of something that is taking up space in your life. This could be a job or a living situation or a relationship. The problem is that you have grown used to the way things are. Moving beyond something you have become familiar with is not as easy as it sounds. But sometimes you have to take risks and let go of the familiar if you want to make your life better. If there is something in your heart worth pursuing, you will have to tread on unknown territory. But the destination will be well worth the journey.

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

Decisions this morning! Months ago it would have been a "no-brainer" and the choice would have been the homemade cinnamon roll, and homemade cream cheese frosting, but after drinking @shakeology I can make the treats for my family and just have a small bite from hubs! And NOT feel deprived. #shakeo #healthy #decisions #choices #fitgirl #fitness #wholefood #beachbody #dailydose #nutrition #noexcuses 


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Beachbody misconceptions and realities

When I mention to people that I’m a Beachbody coach I can usually tell that they have some assumptions about what that means.  Their assumptions are often dead wrong. So  here is my completely unscientific ranking of the misconceptions about Beachbody coaches.

1. You have to be in really great shape! 
Beachbody coaches are not just people who have arrived at their peak of fitness and lowest possible body fat.  They are actually more often people who are in the process of achieving their fitness goals.  Many people become coaches at the START of their fitness journey as a way to keep themselves accountable and also to motivate others to join them.   I am in no way my best shape!  I am working on that, and I want to help you work on being in your best shape too. 

2. You have to do extreme workouts like P90X or Insanity!
Just like coaches are people at all fitness levels, they also have different preferences in their fitness program.  Some love the extreme workouts for the challenge but there are programs for all types of movement like PiYO, Tai Cheng, Les Mills COMBAT, and the upcoming P90. All Beachbody programs are designed to give you great results but not all of them require you to go insane.  And honestly, I haven't even done P90X or Insanity!  :-)

3. You have to be certified to be a coach!
I tell people all the time, I am NOT your trainer, I’m your coach.  The trainers are Shaun T, Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, Autumn Calabrese, they along with the experts at Beachbody put together a solid program to give results without injury (when used appropriately).  My job as your coach is to come along side and walk through your fitness transformation with you, providing encouragement, support and tips from someone who is further down the road in their journey.  That’s all, we are just people with a passion for fitness who want to help others get healthy too.  Some of us are certified trainers, many of us are not.  It’s not required to be a good coach.  But I am certified to teach PiYo!  (Just a bonus)

4. You have to bother your friends and family!
Here’s the thing about coaching people to improve their health and fitness, it does no one any good to pressure or convince them to buy a workout program.  That program will just sit on the coffee table and collect dust.   Let’s face it if working out, eating right and losing weight were easy everybody would be fit and trim.  Yeah, its hard because it requires us to overcome a lot of resistance (society, emotional, physical).  So it takes a lot more than just will power or the power of persuasion to make a commitment to getting healthy.  It takes WHY power.   A good coach won’t pester you to buy a program, but they will ask you questions to help you figure out WHY you want to lose weight, or get off your blood pressure medication, or build muscle, whatever your goal its bigger than that.  A good coach will help you connect to that bigger motivation and then work with you to find the right solution, the program of exercise and nutrition that will help you get to your goal and then connect you with others to encourage and support you along the way.  That’s not a pest, that’s a support system.

5. You have to be a salesperson!
This goes along with #4, coaches aren’t selling.  I am not a sales person and I hate being "sales-y".    Well, obviously when you decide on a Beachbody program and commit to joining a challenge group you do buy a challenge pack from your coach.  But the focus of  coaching isn’t on the selling its on helping people lead healthy and fulfilling lives.  If I have something that will connect you to realizing your goal then let’s talk.  If not now, then maybe later.  No desperation here, nope! Would you consider yourself a salesperson if you're recommending your favorite skin care product, nail salon or even iPhone vs. Android? Of course not! You're simply recommending something that you LOVE and that worked for you.  Sharing isn't selling.  You're just passionate about the product or business and you can't help but share it.   You're simply connecting people to products and lifestyles that worked for you.    The only added benefit?! You've earned 25% by doing so when someone decides to trust in your recommendations.   I simply share my successes and story from gym rat to home-gym addict, as well as the stories from other Beachbody success stories. 

6.  I don't have the money to be a Beachbody coach
What?!?  This is an opportunity to BUILD a business and MAKE money...certainly not an opportunity to just spend it!  For the first month as a new coach, our goal is to simply teach you how to cover the cost of products you already use, then we build from there.   Even though I didn't start off running with this business opportunity (I didn't understand the HUGE blessing I held in my hands), I NEVER spent more than I earned.  The negligible sign up fee was even waived when I ordered my first fitness & nutrition program.   Honestly, if money is that much of a concern, then really, you are too broke NOT to do this.   As your sponsoring coach, I will teach you how to prioritize your own health & fitness, alongside with your friends and spending nothing to do it.  At the very least, you are getting healthy & fit and encouraging others to do so as well. 
7.  I don't have time to be a Beachbody coach.  
Beachbody is certainly NOT a get-rich-quick scheme, but it doesn't have to take a lot of time, either.  Sure...the better you are at time management, the easier it'll be for you, but even just 5-10 hours each week can create an incredible home-based business.  MOST coaches that start out have full-time jobs, go to college/grad school full-time or stay at home with their kids.  Many of these coaches have gone on to resign from their full-time jobs (exceeding their FT pay with a part-time Beachbody business) or have built incredible businesses while being home & present with their kids!  I am currently still working full-time and working the business.  I made Emerald coach in July and working towards being a diamond by the end of the year...which is completely do-able. 

So what is real:
A Beachbody coach is someone who:
1. Is committed to their own fitness journey. - How can I help you or motivate you, if I am not committed to my own journey.
2. Is consistent with the Beachbody program that suits their goals.  I haven't done the truly intense workouts, but that doesn't mean I don't want to try those programs.  It means that I found a program what works with my current goals. 
3. Focuses on encouraging and supporting people, whether they are a certified trainer or not.  I am there for you, during your bad days/weeks and good.  I am there as a person to listen and support.
4. Builds relationships with people and gets to understand their WHY and supports them in getting there.  I am not in this just for the money, I want to build a friendship that will last, and help you understand your goals. 
5. Helps people.  It is really what 1-4 come together as. 
6. Builds a team.  My favorite thing about coaching is that we build leaders. We build a team of likeminded people that are driven and want to be successful just like us. Team Beachbody is Network Marketing and  to be successful you have to build a team around you. I think this is the best part. Currently, I have coaches spread all throughout the United States.  We have reached from Maine to Arizona, Hawaii to Florida. The opportunity to build a team and impact people you don’t even know is what coaching is all about.

If you think that’s you, then you can do this!  If you think that's you, and you are not sure, let's talk! 
Email me at or comment with your email address below to join my team!

Friday, August 1, 2014

August is here!!!

Hello, August!!  What a great month this is going to be.  Have you thought about your goals for August?  I have.  My goal is to make Success Club 10!!!!  Not an impossible task, but for someone who has never made success club, it is an awesome goal.   

So, I told you yesterday, I would let you know what Team Beachbody's specials are.  They are 2 wonderful programs, that I have done and LOVE.  Well, PiYo is still my favorite, I still like these 2. 
So, we have 10 minute trainer (in English and Spanish) and T25 on special!  I started my journey with beachbody with 10 minute trainer.  I started my coaching journey with T25!  These are perfect for someone with very little time.  10 minutes!  25 minutes! And they come with the resistance bands!
Send me a message if you have any questions or want more information.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

End of July

July is done!!!!  Wow, this has been a busy month!  I had an awesome vacation with my parents, they came to visit us this time.  :-)  We spent a good part of our time in Destin enjoying the beach (and they did not have to stay in my house, which removed a lot of the stress that comes with the parents visiting.)  So on top of all that, I already posted that I made Emerald with Team Beachbody! (WooHoo!)  So, that leads me to why I'm blogging today.  Today is the last day for the July specials.  Piyo, 21 Day Fix (in Spanish) and the 3-day refresh.  Send me a message if you are interested.  I'll post what the August Specials are tomorrow.  :-)

So school starts for the kids August 6, so this weekend is getting the rest of the necessary items.  According to my baby girl, that would be lots and lots of clothes...well, we will have to do some compromising on that one.  :-)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!! July is almost gone!

Wow, I haven't been here in a long time!!!  Things have been busy here, what about where you?  Have you been busy too? 

First - I have reached the rank of Emerald with team Beachbody.  My next goal is Ruby!  My long-term goal is to be Diamond before the end of the year.  This will be hard work, but this is something I am very passionate about. 

Do you have a story?  I do - I started beachbody as retail customer.  I bought the program, and lost 20 pounds! I was so excited, then my j.o.b. started sending me to different locations, and it was difficult to eat healthy while staying at a hotel.  And eventually I gained it all back.  But I was contacted by this wonderful lady, who was able to show me that I could eventually quit my j.o.b. and make money.  She actually quit her corporate j.o.b and is doing this full time.  She told me her bad week as $350, hopefully one day soon that will be my good week, until I progress further.  I am motivated to reach my goals, and help other people along the way, because helping people is what I want to do, making money and advancing just happens to be an awesome bonus. 

Do you believe our struggles happen for a reason?  I do, it is so we can help other people through them!  I believe I can help you through YOUR struggles, because I understand where you are, because I have been there...barely living paycheck to paycheck, dreaming of having a savings account, dreaming of being able to afford letting the kids be in cheer, band, pageants, whatever comes up, or even taking a REAL vacation. 

Do me a favor and imagine what you want your life to look like?  Would you want to have more money? Would you want to be with your kids more? Would you & your partner spend more date nights together?  Would you lose 10lbs or gain 5lbs of muscle?  Would your house be bigger (or paid off sooner?) Would you 'gift give" to the people you love more WITHOUT checking your bank account? 

I am working on doing all these things because I am designing my life that way. 

I used to want to use my degree that I paid for (well, technically, still paying for) but I have realized in the last few months, that this j.o.b. isn't making me happy.  Talking with people about fitness, being healthy, meeting goals, that is what makes me happy and is driving me to make the rank of Diamond before the end of this year.  What are your goals?   I can help you with them.

So, we have nearly finished July, and I am starting a 21-day fitness challenge group. Are you interested?  Well, I only have spots for 2 more READY, COMMITTED, and DEVOTED people who what to change their lives forever!

---Lose 10-15 pounds in 21 days
---30 minute workouts
---Clean eating meal plan, with color coordinated meal containers
---Me, supporting you to help you get the best results!

Are you game?  Message me or comment with a BIG 'YES, I'M IN!'

Friday, June 20, 2014


So I recently became a certified PiYo instructor; and SUPER happy about that.  What is PiYo, you may ask?

Like Yoga? Like Pilates? Is your body worn out from the high impact work outs you've been doing? PIYO combines Yoga and Pilates for a body sculpting work out!!

I will tell you, I was so sore ALL over the day after the training class.  And then I did a practice class at home...goodness, parts of me where hurting I didn't know COULD hurt!  It was a great feeling.  So, when Beachbody announced that they were releasing the PiYo home version, I had to get it.  I am patiently waiting for it to arrive in the mail.  :-)

I started this blog to keep track of my weight loss, but to be honest, I have only been able to step on the scale once every 3 months when I go to the doctors office for my asthma meds.  And although the number isn't moving, I feel myself getting stronger, and not needing the asthma meds as much as I did when we lived in Alaska. 

So, if you are interested in PiYo, please send me a message, comment on this blog.  Get in touch with me someway.  I would love for you to be on my team. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Business partners needed!

I need 2 more people to become coaches under my name!  Email me if you are interested or want more information!!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Focus T25 Arrived in the mail...

So I'm reading through everything that I got in my box, and it says to weigh myself every Saturday.  Well, since I promised hubs that I wouldn't buy a scale until after my March 11th doctor appointment, I'm gonna have to do the other measurements.  :-)

So, why did I make that promise, because I had been obsessed with the scale, and when we moved from Alaska to Alabama, he wouldn't let me pack it.  When we were moving into our home and purchasing stuff, he told me no.  So after my appointment in December, we talked again about buying one, so I could watch my weight (especially since I had gained LOTS of weight), and we made the deal that at my next appointment (because of my asthma, I need to see her quarterly for my meds) we would get me a scale.  I'm terrified that I will go back to being obsessed, but I know that at least weekly will be ok.  (Oh, and when I say obsessed, it was every morning, every evening, and one the weekends, during the day.)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Beachbody Coach

Well, I did it!  I am now a beachbody coach.  I really love the beachbody products and it made sense to me!  Why not get paid for using the product I love and also get a discount on those products. 

If you want more information look me up at

So my next challenge is going to be the Focus T25 program with Shawn T!  I am so excited to be starting a new program. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year...Same Me

I saw a post of FB that made perfect sense:  "Quit saying "New Year, New Me".  If you wanted to create a new you, you would have done it by now."  That is so true.  Just because it is a new year doesn't mean you are going to change, you have to make it a lifestyle change.  Although I am not happy with my weight, does not mean I need to change who I am.  I am me, just a little heavier than I want to be.  What I need to do is not change me, but change just one aspect of me. 

Happy 2014!