Saturday, October 11, 2014

My story...

Today I want to give gratitude to not only my team mates on Team Vertical and Team Aspire but to the opportunity and blessing that is Team Beachbody. (I wanted to post it here before I jumped my comfort zone and posted on my page!)
Some of you know my story, some don’t, and I have been challenged by my coach to share my story and how Beachbody has changed my life. 
I spent the majority of my life either being overweight, or just feeling overweight.  I spent the majority of my time while active duty, overweight…except for the deployment where the only thing to do was workout and work.   
A co-worker with the company I am currently with joined Team Beachbody, and I noticed she lost A LOT of weight, and I was dying to know what she did.  She first introduced me to Team Beachbody, and Tony Horton’s 10-minute trainer program, back in 2012.  I lost about 10-15 pounds, which really made me want to do more. (I was not drinking Shakeology at this time).  I was really unsure of Shakeology, to be honest, I was drinking something else from GNC. 
After I moved to Alabama, a complete stranger noticed me and offered me an opportunity as a Team Beachbody coach. Ok, in all honesty, she wasn’t a “complete” stranger, she was an Ammo sister, so we were technically family.    I knew the programs worked and I loved them!  And what is even better, is I had been considering it for a while, but the individual that introduced me to Beachbody had seemed to drop off the face of the earth…no longer on FB, didn’t respond to my email messages – through yahoo or the Beachbody program, and I know she had moved to Germany.  So when this Ammo Sister contacted me, I was unsure what to do.  But she walked me through everything! 
SHAKEOLOGY! Nope, not just a shake, nope not just a protein powder. It a nutrient dense shake with all that stuff we normally add to a one packet. Maca powder, chia seeds, fruits & veggies, flax, pro and pre name a few!!! Its a no brainer to do one shake instead of all the stuff to make it ONE shake. This is my morning snack and dessert savor.
So the benefits I have with Shakeology:  I have asthma – and starting a workout routine, and getting all my daily nutrients with Shakeology, I no longer have to take my inhaler daily!  I have energy, and I no longer need to get an afternoon caffeine pick-me-up. 
The programs I’ve done so far include 10 minute trainer, Hip Hop Abs, Focus T25, and PiYo.   There was also a Shakeology workout video that I also love.  My hubs says I have workout ADD, since I haven't actually completed a program from start to finish, except for PiYo.  Which reminds me, I need a new program! 
I know I am still in the middle of my story…no where close to the end.  I might not be the weight I want to be, or the size I want, but I am stronger, healthier, and happier!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Oh my...totally feeling the love today.  Thank you everyone for taking the time out of your busy day to think of me...if only for a quick moment.  It truly does mean a lot, and I appreciate each one of you.  

I know sometimes we can get wrapped up in our own lives and the impersonal side of Facebook, and it is important to remember that a kind word, or even just "Happy birthday" can go a long way.  Please don't get absorbed into thinking that the one comment won't matter....I was absolutely surprised by the number of well wishes (some even done through private message).  I hope I have responded to everyone.  If I didn't, I did not mean to over look you.  

For my birthday, the family decided to put as many candles on one cupcake...can you say mini-bonfire on my kitchen table? 

But I know they love me...even if they did add 6 more candles than necessary.  And I did blow them all out one time...which I thank my workout with Beachbody - helping me to decrease my asthma, and increase my indurance.  

I have had a wonderful day, and I wish everyone a terrific rest of the week. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October Challenge Packs

Wow!  It is October!!  Can you believe it?  So what makes October special?  My birthday, of course!!!  Well, that's just one of the reasons. 

As I said in an earlier post, Beachbody has released P90, a new program from Tony Horton, that is for ALL fitness levels.  Another great part of this program, is that for the first 50,000 programs sold, Beachboy will donate $5 to the Wounded Warrior program on behalf of Tony Horton.  This program will sell fast, so let me know if you want to be a part of this. 

Another challenge pack for October, is the Ultimate Reset.  It is a 21-day program, to help "reset" your body.  It will help detox your system, and get you ready for a very healthy life style.    Be sure to get your kit now in time to Reset with Co-Creator of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, Darin Olien on October 29th.

Let's FALL INTO FITNESS, instead of falling into unhealthy habits.