Saturday, September 20, 2014

P90 and Wounded Warrior

I am always falling more in love with this company! So if you don't follow Tony Horton, you may not know that his father recently passed away unexpectedly. In going through his belongings, they found that he had been receiving Wounded Warrior recognition from his time in the military but nobody in his family knew that he was receiving it.
With the launch of the newest program, P90, as an honor to the man that gave us Tony Horton, Beachbody is donating $5 from every P90 unit sold through the end of October to the Wounded Warrior foundation in honor of Tony Horton Sr.
Tears filled everyone's eyes including Tony Horton ' s as our CEO announced this today..
I love our country and our vets.
I love this company.
And I love me some Mr. Horton.
Thankful to be a part of a company that does so much to give back. Our keynote speaker said today, "everything you need to know about life can be summed up in one breath. You take it all in. You give it all back."
(Ps P90 is available Monday and can only be purchased through a coach. Message me if you want more info)

Looking for people...

I'm not sure who is around right now but I have a question for you: I am looking for about 5 ish people who are 100% beginners at fitness and health, and want to work together. Like haven't worked out in at least a year, most workout programs are more discouraging than anything because you can barely get through day 1, seriously just starting. Do I have anyone like that here!?! Can you comment so we can connect 

Monday, September 15, 2014

DON'T get on the bandwagon with me ...

DON'T get on the bandwagon with me ...
You are probably already feeling...
- great about your health
- confident in your own skin...
- ready for the upcoming holiday season.
That is awesome. This message is NOT for YOU then

If, however, you are looking for:
** a free online support system
** a nutrition plan that is helping my clients FINALLY get a grip
** a fitness program that is PERFECT for EVERYONE AND has people demonstrating all levels ... beginner, intermediate, advanced
** includes portion control container system
** includes a month (30 meals) of Shakeology
** private accountability with me as your Official 21 Day Fix Coach
** AND.... it. is. ON. SALE!!
Message me with WHY now is YOUR TIME. I'm keeping this team small for high accountability purposes.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Accountability Partner?

Do you already have a Beachbody program, like Insanity, T25, P90X, Les Mills Pump, Hip Hop Abs but don't have a coach, or accountability partner? I would love to help you!  I have realized in the last couple of months, that my desire is to help people.  I'm not concerned about the program you have, I just want to help.  Many times, people purchase a program (whether through Beachbody, or Wal-mart, or where ever) and are very excited to get started and half way through the program, they get off track.  They let life get in the way.  I used to be one of the ones that would start and stop programs, and NEVER see results, but I found a great accountability partner/coach.  Actually, it is an entire group of people.  :-) 

What is keeping you from reaching your goals?  Are you one of those that has started/stopped many different programs?  My hubs and I call it workout A.D.D. And boy did I have that!  I still do, to a point, but I honestly think it is because I want to try all the programs! 

"Believe in yourself so strongly, that the world can't help but believe in you too."  You are awesome, and strong, and you can do this!  We can do this together. 

I would love to chat with you all individually about what we can do to help you through your plateau, or even to get you started. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2014 - where did Summer go?

Wow, we have started September already!  Where did the summer go?  Between working, Beachbody, the kids, the family, vacations, it all just ran together!  Did anyone else have a fast summer?  I'm looking at all the 1st day of school pictures, and wow, kids are getting bigger/older/prettier/handsome and here I am feeling OLD!!!  My kids sure are no help, but that's a completely different blog post.

So, September is here, as well as a new Beachbody special.  Well, it isn't new, new, since it is the 21-day fix program (in English, and Spanish).  This program has been on sale before, and it is on sale again.  If you kissed it last time, now is your chance to order it.  And, be apart of my 21-day challenge group!

What do you get in this challenge group? Well, for starters, ME!  I will mentor you, harass you, keep you accountable for either 1, 2 or all 3 rounds of the program.  There will also be guidance on meal planning, portions, and healthy eating, wish equals a total life style change! You will also get a workout plan, for only 30-mins a day/6-days a week.  Finally, one extra meal a day in a nutrient dense shake (not a protein shake!). If you are looking to jump on board with my and my challengers, comment below with WHY you want to make these changes.  If you aren't comfortable with publicly saying your why, just message me.