Thursday, October 18, 2012

New workout program

So, it has been a while since my last post, but that doesn't mean I have been slacking off.  I ordered a new workout program...Ten Minute Trainer, from Beach Body,  I have not broken down and bought the shakeology that goes with it, because I'm happy with the GNC shakes.

So back to my story...
I bought the Ten Minute trainer (TMT) and LOVE it.  I have on,y been using it for about a week, but I can really tell a difference in my strength,  about a month or so back, I originally borrowed ACL-workers TMT and liked it, but never had the money to order my own.  I finally got the money, and I'm glad I bought it.  It came with 3 different resistance bands and some other freebies I haven't used yet, but I'm looking forward to the different workouts.  I am hopeful this will not get as boring as the other DVDs I have had for a long time.

I have been on track with my diet, and although I'm still obsessed with the scale, I can see the number getting smaller.  I am positive that I will make my 5 pound weight loss goal, this month.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Already October..

It is already October, and I realize I didn't make my goals for I will create new goals for October.

From my FB page 

Ok, I didn't do so hot with my goals last month, but that doesn't mean I give up!  Nope!  New Month; New Goals!
1)  Lose 5 pounds
2) Work out 5 days a week
3) eat more fruit
4) 5 minute plank
I'm sticking with the same principle, but a little lighter on the numbers.  I think I was overwhelmed with the original September goals and that didn't help me.  And I'm going to get to the 5 minute plank.
I will keep everyone posted on how I'm doing. 

I spent the last week in sunny Cali, and the morning after I get home to Alaska, there is snow on the ground!  How crazy!  Winter is coming and I need to really get motivated and reach my goals.  

Anyway...while I was in sunny Cali, I worked out, used the weights, and weighted myself with the scale at the hotel.  There was such a HUGE difference between the two umbers...just goes to show the number doesn't mean anything. I officially lost 1 pound the last two weeks, but it is a loss, and not a gain, so ill take it.  In an effort not to concentrate solely on the number on the scale, I pulled down some jeans from the closet that I have been hoarding a pond guess what, they FIT! They are a little snug, but Incan zip them, and they FIT!  Also, I think resizing my wedding ring will be a necessity soon.  

Well, I think that catches me up, sorry for being MIA, but life happens.  Happy October to everyone.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's kind of fuzzy...

...the scale that is.  I weighed myself the other morning without my glasses (or contacts) and it took a bit for me to focus and see the number on the scale.  Then it hit me.  I'm focusing too much on the number.  I have lost weight, inches; I have gained muscle and strength.  My wedding rings are loose and I don't have to struggle to take them off, or put them on any more.  I am down a pant size, and that is getting big.  I need to focus on what is really important...ME, not the number on the scale. 

I might not be super consistent with the exercise, I might "cave" into cravings, but I am still a healthier me than I was 3 months ago.

My hubby asked me one day "If you had the body measurements (clothes size) you wanted, would you care about the number on the scale?"  I had to think about it...and No, I don't think I would care about the number on the scale if I was the size I know I can be.  That is what I need to aim for, not a number on the scale that can't tell me if I am healthy or not.

Remeber, it isn't about the number on the scale, it is about how you feel.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Really? Now you tell me?

Let me start at the beginning...well, beginning of today anyway...

I weighed myself this morning (my obsession, I know) and I haven't lost or gained, so I'm pretty happy about that.; and off to work I go.  Before lunch I get a message from a distant coworker (same company different state, we met at a training class) who told me that I had been encouraging her to get back on the exercise wagon...she also told me that she was proud of what I had been doing.  Well, I'm riding this high about what she said and went for my walk at lunch.  Ell, her is where my day turned crappy...I was talking with hubby on the phone and we were discussing baby girls strength and fitness.  I mentioned that she will have some well defined abs if she keeps going with the cheer...and he states that he doesn't like that look...that is one of my goals for my fitness...and he doesn't like it!  Talk about crushing my if I have the abs that are well defined, will he still find me attractive?  I'm having insecurities again...and doubting the working out...

He said that he would always find me attractive, but now I don't know about keeping it going...I know I set these goals forme and what I want, but what do I really want now...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September's Healthy's Goals

So, on FaceBook, I have decided to particiapte in a couple of different challenges, and one of the challenges is to make goals and post them.  I have done that on FB, and decided to do that on my blog also. 

September's Goals:
1.  Lose 10 pounds
2.  Workout 6 days/week
3.  Complete a 5 minute plank and a 2 minute wall-sit
4.  No eating 2 hours before bed
5.  Eat fruit daily.

Where am I at at the start of these goals? Well, I am down 10 pounds, as of today and I am not as dedicated to working out.  My personal plank time is 2 minutes 38 seconds and I can't do a wall sit for longer than 30 seconds. I am sure I can not eat before bed and I generally eat fruit when I at the office, but when I work at home, I don't eat so well. 

I will keep the blog posted with goals and where I am at on them.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

There''s no place like Nome and exercise

I was able to spend the last week the the great city of Nome, Alaska.  A city you can only get to by airplane and not a very big city.  But the prices were CRAZY expensive, but that is not what this is about.  I did not go to Nome, expecting 4-star accomedations, but I wasn't expecting to have to do to exercises from memory.  (There was no fitness center.)  I do not have a personal computer I can travel with, just my work computer, and it does not have a DVD player, so I took my iPad...but the hotel did not have consistent internet access (if any depending on the weather) and so I could not access the exercises blogs, pinterest pins, or other items I saved.  The hotel, although clean, the carpeting on the floor bothered me.  I posted my issues on my FB page, and took the advise of one of my followers, use a towel or blanket on the floor.  The towel helped, so I was able to get in some ab work.  But since there was no fitness center at the hotel, I had issues getting cardio in.  There were finally a few days of not so hard rain, that I was able to get out and walk.  Althoughh this isn't the type of city, I was ok with walking around by myself, so I stuck to the main street.  I did walk on the "golden sands of Nome" and put my feet in the Bering Sea, which means I did a little beach walking.  As far as food goes, I thought I was prepared (except for the first day of flying).  I brought my protein drink for breakfast and dinner and bought a subway sandwich for lunch (a footlong sandwich can last 2 meals for me.  The last day I was prepared for the airport (because there is nothing at the airport, besides a vending machine that will give you a soda for $3) with granola bars and ritz crackers.  I was not prepared for the flight to be delayed, and delayed again, and finally cancelled.  I was able to get out of the city on the 9pm flight, which was delayed, and delayed again, and finally took off at 11:30pm to land back in Anchorage after midnight. 

I still have 1.5 pounds to lose.  I weighehd myself the morning I got home, and I hit the mark, but the when I weighted myself this morning, I had gained a pound.  I know that I should not be obessed with the number of the scale, but it is difficult for me to change my way of thinking.  My clothes fit better (some are actually falling off my hips) and I sleep better, but I really want to get rid of this last pound.  This last pound will put me at the 10 pound mark...a great accomplishment for me. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sister's visit and weight loss

Well, my sister was here for a week, and although I did not gain weight, I didn't really exercise like I wanted to.  I felt guilty when I worked out, so I didn't work out.  We did a lot of "unintentional" exercise, when we went to the glacier and to the waterfall.  My eating habits were also not the best and I didn't drink water like I should have...and I'm feeling it.

I wish there were lesson learned while she was here, but we really didn't talk, and have very little in common. 

I am down 9 pounds, and I'm really hoping to get to the 10 pound mark before the end of August. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sister is here...and stuff

So my sister is here for a week, I was not sure how much exercise I would actually get done, but today I beat my personal best for the plank.

Today I walked 2 miles with my Leslie Sansone DVD and baby girl acted as my personal trainer. She is very good at that. After I walked the 2 miles, I did planks, squats and push-ups. My arms are killing me!  So, for my plank? I held it for 2 minutes and 32 personal best!  My goal is to be able to hold a plank for 5 minutes by the end of August. I think it can be done.

Oh, and the other good news...I've lost weight!  So really that is the point of exercising and eating well, but when I put on my pants for work yesterday, they were too big!  It felt like it was a tent. The hops were just super baggy. I'm gonna have to take them to be altered.  The waist was also big, but not as obvious as the hips. It really helped to brighten my Monday.

Anyway, I hope that when you read this, you have had or will hve a wonderful day.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Completely lazy day

Today has been a completely lazy day (if you don't count doing the dishes and making cinnamon rolls). Baby girl has been my workout partner and she hurt her ankle the other day (we thought possible broken since after 2 days it was still swollen), but it is just sprained. I guess, really, I'm using her inability to workout with me as a reason not to workout. I know she doesn't control when/if I work out, but I've been using it. Since I've realized what I've been doing, I plan to change that. I want to continue to workout with her, so she can control the stop watch and count for me. 

On the other hand, I have let her. Ale cookies and I've even promised her cinnamon rolls fori the morning. I plan to keep drinking my shakes, no matter how yummy the cinnamon rolls smell.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Plank challenge and other stuff

So tonight I did a plank challenge with my kids! Super fun, but I will say it was a bit rigged. I have been doing planks for a while and baby girl is in cheer, so her core is super strong. Baby boy didn't really have a chance, but he surprised us all.

Plank challenge :
Round 1.                      Round 2
Baby girl:  0.55.           1.36
Baby boy:  1.07.           1.30
Me:  1.45.                     2.00

In baby boy's defense, he didn't even know what a plank was when we started this challenge. He has also spent the majority of the summer doing to hang for over a minute impressed me, but he is also competitive.

I finished the workout with sit-ups, v-ups, full body roll up and stretches. Even though it wasn't a traditional work out, I enjoyed getting the kids to "play".

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hitting the 'wall'

Last week I have had problems with forgetfulness, being grumpy and tired, all the time.  I think after 6 weeks for consistant working out, I finally hit that "wall".  I took the majority of this past week off from working out and I feel better, so when I go back to working out tomorrow, I'm hoping for renwed energy. To be honest, I even stopped eating healthy and drinking the water I know I should.

I am nervous about what the scale will show on my weekly weigh in (tomorrow) but I know that my clothes are still loose and that should be enought.  Right?

Today, I will be spending the day at baby girls car wash, so it will be a final day of not a typical work-out.  I think I like the non-typical work outs. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

No more diet pills...and it is all in my head

I used to be a dedicated user of diet pills. I thought I could not lose the weight without them; and then I would use them all and not buy more for a little while and the weight would add back on. And I would start all over. To be completely honest, it has been 2 months since I've taken a diet pill. I was unsure about how much weight I would lose without the pills, but it was all in my head. I have changed from the pills to drinking LeanShake 25 from GNC (I LOVE the stuff) and I have dropped 6 pounds! A lot of it is, I know really watch what I eat (thanks to and I exercise regularly.

So, now that I've kicked the diet pills habit, I still have the scale habit to beat, but I don't think that will be as easy to beat, but then again, that is all in my head too.

Another thing that is in my head is my dislike of running...being in Alaska doesn't help because of the cold weather for so many months, but when I was in the military, I disliked running, and I had to run everyday. But my hubby said that the running is all mental...I just have to get over it, and get that voice in my head to stop telling me I can't do it.

I borrowed a co-workers 10 minute trainer...and I LOVE it! I like that it is different from just being on a treadmill, or cybex arc machine. I am hopeful that this will help me see the weight drop off Hubby can see there is a difference, but the voice in my head keeps telling me there is no change; and I am wearing pants a size smaller...but I can't get that voice in my head to change its least not overnight.

Happy day to everyone.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Another Manic Monday...

So...I had to drive into work today, instead of using the share-a-ride...which normally isn't a big deal, but today turned into a case of the "Monday's".

I forgot my lunch and walking shoes at the house; I remembered them 1/2 to the office (which was about the 25 minute far to turn around.). Which means all my good food choices didn't happen. Lovely! So I made do with the vending machine, and what was in my desk...not pretty, but I wasn't hungry. Anyway, that was the worst part of my day, so I'm pretty thankful things improved.

While at work, I was able to enroll my son into a 3-day ropes course at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson...he is excited and so am I...the first real exercise activity I didn't have to force him into! Baby girl wanted to participate too, but her cheer leading schedule won't allow it. But this is something good for my son, so she will have to deal with it.

Well, time for my exercise for the day:

30 minutes on the cybex arc machine. I did intervals again, and boy do my legs hurt! But it is a good feeling.

Crunches: 100
Shoulder press: 50 reps @ 20 lbs
Push ups (girl-y): 20
Push-ups (regular): 10

It was a light day, but I'm happy with what I did.

I'm so ready for today to be over and another day to happen...with less morning drama!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

My baby boy is 15 today

Happy Birthday to my baby boy.  He is 15, where did the time go? While MIL was here, she bought him his birthday presents, so hubby and I didn't go overboard with presents. Well, since today is his birthday, I went to the gym not long after I woke up. I only did cardio today, and knowing this was going to be a high calorie day, I wanted to burn some calories before I started eating.

Today at the gym, I did 40 minute on what is called a cybex arc machine. It is a cross between an elptical machine and a stepper. I also did intervals today, so my legs are exteremly tired.

After the 40 minutes on the arc, I did a walk/run for 15 minutes.

So for baby boys birthday (he will always be baby boy, no matter how old, or how tall), we ordered sausage from Black's Barbeque in Lockhart, Texas. We are origianlly from Texas and my kids love barbecue. Baby boy loves sausage and baby girl loves ribs. With all this AWESOME food, it is no wonder I have problems keeping the weight off. So, along with with sausage, we had beans (which will be GREAT as leftovers) and home made mac-n-cheese. My calories for is meal was over 600 (according to myfitnesspal)! After that great meal, we had chocolate cake, with chocoalate frosting (which helped the calories jump to over 600.) I included a picture of the cake, baby girl wanted to put candles in the shape of number 15 and ended up using 16 candles. When Baby boy originally saw the cake, he complained about the number of candles is more than his age, so I told baby girl to finish adding all the candles we had. :-) The real fire will happen if we try to light all hubby's candles (he will be 40).

So after all that wonderful food, I think I need to work out again, but to be honest, all I really want to do is take a nap. :-)

So tomorrow, baby girl will be making cupcakes for hubby's birthday (which is Tuesday...another high calorie day).& I will be happy when the birthdays are over.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My addiction...or rather, obsession

I'll admit, I have an addiction...and if you guessed chocolate,You would be partly right. I am addicted to the scale...I weigh myself every morning. Some studies state that daily weigh-ins are a good thing, but some days I'll weigh before bed too, just to see how much I gained during the day. I know it isn't healthy, and I should hide my scale, but I can't seem to be able to keep it away. In the past month, I have dropped 4 pounds. I am happy with the number, but I know that my weight is strictly a number...and the scale has no bearing on whether I am healthy or fit. I know all is just actually putting it into practice. I guess the next step is measuring my success in different ways.My next obsession is working out. Currently, I go to a gym to work out, but that is getting old and I'm going to start working out at home with a DVD or two when my membership ends at the end of August. This leads me to today's workout...abs! I haven't strictly worked abs in a week, and it was tough. Last week I was able to hold a plank for 1 min 30 sec, today I was shaking at 45 seconds, but I pushed it to a full min. Workout:Bike @ gym: 40 mins and 13.5 milesCrunches: 125 repsStanding side crunches: 50 each sideFront standing crunch: 50 repsPlank: 1 min (2 times)Side plank: 30 sec each side (2 times)Back extension (machine) 100 repsStanding twist: 50 times each sideV-sit: 10 repsFull body roll up: 10 repsI went to the gym feeling guilty about going, but I went anyway and had a great workout. I was also able to talk baby girl into making her brother's birthday cake, so all I have to do now is wait for it to cool off so I can add frosting. The worst part is I've been craving chocolate cake since the beginning of June and now it is in my house! Wish me luck, with not giving into my cravings.

The horrible, terrible, food

This weekend is a time of celebration and parties...what is so speical about this weekend?  My son is turning 15, on Sunday!  AND, my hubby will be 40 on Tuesday.  I'm not as concerned about Tuesday as I am this weekend.  My hubby has ordered barbeque and we have chocolate cake.  All-in-all, it doesn't sound too bad, but I've been craving chocoalte cake. 

To be fair to the weekend, since it has just started, is the horrible, terrible food day started on Friday, the 13th.  I tried to follow my food plan, but I just couldn't resist the M&Ms.  But that led me to the deep fried chicken for dinner.  I ate a salad with it, but there were also french fries...followed by several Tequial Sunrise's (yummy)...and the only workout was walking at lunch.

So, even with the bad start to the weekend, I am going to keep going and make it to the gym today.  I guess the perfect time to go to the gym would be now, since I'm the only one awake. 

Finally, please join me in My Fitness Pal

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday's workout

Today's workout:
35 minutes on the bike in the gym. I rode 11 miles.

Today was an upper body day:
Pull up - 30 reps
Dips - 30 reps
Lat pull down - 45 reps (15 each at 50 lbs, 60 lbs, and 70 lbs)
Rear delt - 20 reps at 55 lbs
Pec fly - 30 reps at 55 lbs
Seated row - 30 reps at 30 lbs
Chest press - 30 reps at 30 lbs.

Crunches - 100 reps

I did an ok job with my food choices today. I am glad that the cookies are almost gone, but there are 2 birthdays coming up next week. My son's birthday on Sunday and Hubby's birthday on Tuesday. That's a lot of cake! Oh and before MIL left, she bought us the cake mixes and both are chocolate and chocolate biggest temptation, ever.

On another note, I have been working out, consistently, for a month, and I'm starting to see da difference in my body. I am obsessed with the number on the scale, but seeing my body change makes me happy.

Lessons learned from MIL visit

I know, a weird concept, but I think there were some lessons I learned from her visit. Her words are quoted.  My MIL is in her 70s and based on this trip, Hubby and I think this might be her last trip to AK.
She spent just a week with us, and I'm glad she was able to visit. It took some time for me to learn these lessons, but they are still something to think about.

1. "I did the things I wanted to and some I didn't. I climbed that mountain, even though I didn't want to." Yes, these were my dear MILs parting words.  We all do things we don't want to do, but have to do them anyway.  The mountain she talked about isn't really a mountain but a walk to the waterfalls.  It felt like a mountain to her because she does not get out an walk.  She admits she is out of shape.  For me, getting healthy is my mountain.  It seems like I will never reach my goal, but I won't give up.
2. "You used to be skinny?" Perception! I has taken me a month to get over "being skinny" to "being healty", but when a person doesn't understand why you are working out, it hurts to hear that the work you have done is gone unnoticed.  She is older, and conviced that her weight gain is only because of her Thryoid. 

3.  "Isn't your weight determined by your Thryoid?"  This is her reason why she isn't healthy.  It helped me realize that there are lots of excuses, some sound sillier than others.  My weight issue is because of what
I eat and exercise.  I used to not exercise, and that helped my weight gain.  I saw this saying on the web somewhere: You can't out train a bad diet.  If I'm eating like crap, I will gain weight.
4. "This is a typical house in Alaska.". Typical...nothing is ever that easy.  She is trying to put Alaska in a little box that fits her thougts, but just like there is not a typical house, there is not a typical workout.  As my body gets used to what I'm doing, I need to change things up; either increase the weights or do something different. 
5. "You don't just look around the stores anymore?" She went grocery shopping with us and wanted to look around.  Hubby doesn't like crowds, and generally we shop early Saturday or Sunday morning.  Since she was here, we went on a Friday afternoon (not the best time for hubby, but we were making MIL happy.)  She wanted to look around, while he wanted to get our groceries and get out.  Rushing through life...sometimes you have to slow down. Whether it is slowing down to actually smell the roses, or in weight loss, sometimes, slowly is best. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Food Revolution" by Jamie Oliver on BBC

Tonight, hubby found "Food Revolution" by Jamie Oliver on BBC. On the episode we are currently watching, he made processed chicken nuggets. Disturbing, to say the least. I saw this episode once before on Hulu about 6 months ago. I haven't eaten a chicken nugget since. I really haven't eaten at the fast food places since. Ii can't believe schools feed our children this crap.

I'm not 100% clean eater, but something's are not worth putting in my body and my cooking at home is very little processed food.

What are your thoughts on processed food?

Today's workout

Since today I made "monkey bread" and chocolate chip cookies (thankfully, not the lava ones, but regular cookies) I headed to the gym.

This is my workout for today;

30 mins on a cybex acr machine (a cross between a stair stepper and a treadmill).

Legs (machine)
Squat - 40 reps (100 lbs)
Leg extension - 40 reps (40 lbs)
Seated leg curl - 40 reps (40 lbs)
Prone leg curl - 20 reps (30 lbs)
Hip adduction - 50 reps (40 lbs)
Hip abduction - 50 reps (40 lbs)
Leg press - 10 (100 lbs)

I also did 100 sit-ups (4 sets of 25).

I didn't realize how weak my legs were until I got to the leg time I will push harder.

House full of enablers

I have a house full of enablers!  With MIL here, she wants to try all the things the kids tell her I bake/cook very well (In the kids biased opinion, but I'll take anyway.)  Well, I have cooked donughts, and now I'm making monkey bread.  This afternoon it is chocolate chip lava cookies.  Trying to eat healthy is not working when I have all this good smelling stuff around.  It is very hard to not taste things in the prepping mode. 

I have also started back to drinking GNC's Lean System 25.  I had been drinking them before, but when I ran out, I didn't get more, but I have gone back to drinking them.  They really helped me watch my calories before.

Monday, July 9, 2012

MIL visit

Well, my mother-in-law has been visiting for the past week. I love her, but I'm ready for her to go back to Texas. I have been trying to go to the gym while she has been here, and she is GREAT with the backwards compliments. "with all the time you spend in the gym, you should be super skinny." "you used to be as small as Megan, weren't you?". (btw, mega is my 12 year old daughter, and I'm 36!). Anyway, I'm glad the kids have had a chance to visit with her, but i am ready for her to leave.

New to this

This is my first attempt at a blog and I am exicted to start blogging. I decided to title my blog "Tryin to get fit" because that has always been my answer when people ask why I am going to the gym, or working out. I have never seen myself as fit or healthy but I am always trying. It is my hope that by blogging my journey, I will not be "Trying" but will actually finally be fit and healthy.