Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Today's workout

Since today I made "monkey bread" and chocolate chip cookies (thankfully, not the lava ones, but regular cookies) I headed to the gym.

This is my workout for today;

30 mins on a cybex acr machine (a cross between a stair stepper and a treadmill).

Legs (machine)
Squat - 40 reps (100 lbs)
Leg extension - 40 reps (40 lbs)
Seated leg curl - 40 reps (40 lbs)
Prone leg curl - 20 reps (30 lbs)
Hip adduction - 50 reps (40 lbs)
Hip abduction - 50 reps (40 lbs)
Leg press - 10 (100 lbs)

I also did 100 sit-ups (4 sets of 25).

I didn't realize how weak my legs were until I got to the leg press...next time I will push harder.

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