Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sister is here...and stuff

So my sister is here for a week, I was not sure how much exercise I would actually get done, but today I beat my personal best for the plank.

Today I walked 2 miles with my Leslie Sansone DVD and baby girl acted as my personal trainer. She is very good at that. After I walked the 2 miles, I did planks, squats and push-ups. My arms are killing me!  So, for my plank? I held it for 2 minutes and 32 personal best!  My goal is to be able to hold a plank for 5 minutes by the end of August. I think it can be done.

Oh, and the other good news...I've lost weight!  So really that is the point of exercising and eating well, but when I put on my pants for work yesterday, they were too big!  It felt like it was a tent. The hops were just super baggy. I'm gonna have to take them to be altered.  The waist was also big, but not as obvious as the hips. It really helped to brighten my Monday.

Anyway, I hope that when you read this, you have had or will hve a wonderful day.

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