Oh my, it is February already! I would say I might have slept through January, but I was busy! I did not come any where close to my goals and I actually spent a couple of weeks in a funk, not wanting to work out, not wanting to eat correctly, not wanting to do anything.
Hubby had his gallbladder removed mid-January, and I spent a week helping him get back on his feet (which meant that I didn't even find 10 minutes to work out). Then baby girl got sick, so that took up my time. I also started a 2nd job preparing taxes, so not only am I working 10 hour days 4 days/week for my full time job, I am also working nights/weekends with the tax service. I never thought finding 10 minutes would be so difficult.
Since I was in a funk, I weighed myself, and realized that I had gone up tooooo many pounds. I then made the decision to not weigh myself again, until after the 30 day mark with the 10-minute trainer casting call contest. I entered into the contest and then hubs surgery, baby girl sick and working 2 jobs. I must be crazy. I think I have finally figured out the schedule with the 2nd job, so I am hopeful that I can get those 10 minutes back.
Please don't tell me to get up early and exercise, I am already getting up at 3:45 to be on the 5 am bus, so I can be at work by 6. Then I work til 4:30 and head home. On a good day, I can be home by 6:00, and with this 2nd job, I am working from 6:30 - 9pm. I then come home, shower and go to bed...hopefully by 10pm. This gives me 6 hours of sleep, and here lately, it hasn't been good sleep, and that could also be part of why I was in a funk. I think I still am in a bit of a funk, but I'm working through it.
I am going to try to lose at least 6 pounds this month, and just try to eat as clean as possible. Although, I should probably say, I just need to make sure I eat. There have been days this past couple of weeks, where I have been working so much, that I didn't eat.
Here is to a new month and a new attitude about my journey to getting fit.